Hi all,
Just wanted to say a quick hello and if you are visiting this site for the first time, I appreciate you taking the time to look around. The site itself is in its infancy and we only hope to have it grow and grow with more stickers and ideas produced from both you and me.
If there is anything you would like to see placed on the site, please let me know so I can go and design or get in stock. Please email sales@emergencystickers.com with any queries you may have.
Thank you,
It would be great to see Search And Rescue stickers.
Mike Edwards
Tipperary Search And Rescue
@Mike, I’ll work on something over next few days.
How do I put the sticker on the inside of the windows
@ David, clean the inside of the window, then place the sticker facing out. rub it in gently, will be bubbles at the start but they will disappear after a few days. it is not adhesive, it uses static technology to keep the sticker to the window.
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